one on one coaching.

one on one coaching.

Caregiving is often a solitary struggle having little or no contact with people who understand you or what you're going through.

One on one coaching helps you from where you are in life now, to where you want to be in the future.

One on one coaching helps you figure out what’s working in your life, and pull out the stuff that isn’t working.

what exactly is coaching?

We know support groups are great for meeting and talking to people in similar situations. In a support group, caregivers can identify with other caregivers, share their experiences and give each other advice. Most groups meet only once a month, leaving the caregiver with a lingering question: "So what do I do between monthly groups?"

ever consider coaching?

Whether you are just starting out in your role as caregiver, been at caregiving role for a while, transitioning your care or have come to the end of your caregiver journey, coaching can benefit you across the course of caregiving.

Coaching is like a conversation in which the coach helps you, the caregiver, to identify goals and work out what is stopping you from achieving them.

The emphasis is on working together. It's having a partner supporting you on an individual basis to make your own decisions and take action. It's about helping develop self-confidence in your role as caregiver.

Coaching sessions normally last about an hour and can take place weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, whatever suits you best. Sessions are confidential and done in person, online or by phone.

how can Silent Heroes coaching help?

Silent Heroes are those family caregivers working quietly behind the scenes to support their family member and whose efforts often go unacknowledged.

Being in a difficult, isolated, unsupported situation, it can be easy to get bogged down. Being bogged down creates tension between different demands of your time and makes decision-making more difficult. It's very easy to lose touch with who you are.

With Silent Heroes coaching, you have an understanding person who you can turn to whenever you need or want encouragement or informed feedback. A caregiver coach offers a calm, objective view on your circumstances, and even a structured plan for improving it.

benefits you can expect from Silent Heroes.

First and foremost, you will be getting a partner to help you through your caregiving experience--a coach with lived caregiver experience "who gets it".

I offer individualized coaching support for general needs shared by most family caregivers--self-care for example, being at the top of the list. I want to build confidence and empower caregivers to make decisions or take actions that are needed.

I have extensive experience and expertise in dementia. if you are caring for a person living with dementia I will provide you with specific dementia related services.

In addition, I offer customized Christian coaching solutions to those seeking spiritual caregiver support.

Lastly, I will work with you to create a structured plan tailored to your caregiver situation with your specific wellness goals in mind and help you discover the hero you truly are.


$50 / hour
you are welcome to pay as you go, or select one of our customized plans